
Google Offers Familiar Tools That Let You Work Without Limits

Call Today To Lift Your Business To The Cloud

Google for Work

Google for Work

Familiar tools that will help you work the way you live, customized and optimized for your enterprise.

Google Drive

Google Drive for Work

A premium Cloud offering that includes unlimited data storage, and accessibility to all files, folders and backups on any device.

Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a portfolio of Cloud-based services built on the most comprehensive infrastructure in the world.

If your company is ready to put Google to work, then we need to talk! We provide a comprehensive assessment of your needs, work with you to define your business objectives and provide you with a strategic map of deployment to get your business where you want it.

Google Solutions

Drive for Work – Securely share and sync documents with unlimited storage.

Apps for Work – Cloud storage, emailing, calendaring, and more.

Search for Work – Find what you need fast with internal and external search solutions specific to your business.

Maps for Work – Customizable, robust mapping solutions and tools tailor-made for your organization’s needs.

Cloud Platform – Cloud-based platforms that allow your organization the freedom to build and the flexibility to build, test and deploy applications.


Google Services 

Consultancy – Deliver assessment and discovery with customized solutions and recommendations.

Migration – Seamless transition from your legacy environment to the Cloud.

Deployment – Expert provisioning and configuration of your IT environment.

Managed Services – On-going management of your Cloud environment.

App Development – Custom apps for your business.

User Adoption and Training – Provide a strategic framework to ensure user adoption and training.



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