HIPAA Review

The HIPAA Privacy Rule is a set of federal standards to protect the privacy of patients’ medical records and other health information. Most doctors, hospitals, and many other health care providers and health care clearinghouses, and their business associates, are subject to compliance with the HIPAA Privacy Rule. The HIPAA Privacy Rule provides patients with access to their medical records and other important rights. Failure to comply with the HIPAA Privacy Rule can result in civil and criminal penalties. A HIPAA violation due to willful neglect, and not corrected, can carry fines up to a maximum of $50,000 per violation, with an annual maximum of $1.5 million.
Let us help you avoid these fines with our HIPAA Compliance Review. Our HIPAA specialists will conduct a review that can help you uncover potential violations.
Comprehensive HIPAA Review
Our HIPAA review includes:
Review of Administrative, Physical and Technical Safeguards
Review of Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) or Business Associate (BA) Agreements
Gap Analysis
Risk Assessment
Remediation Report
Details of the Required Actions to Bring Security Controls in Line with Acceptable Standards
Violation and penalties can be expensive and time consuming. To avoid these penalties, covered organizations should consider the following:
Ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all electronic protected health information the covered entity creates, receives, maintains, or transmits.
Protect against any reasonably anticipated threats or hazards to the security or integrity of such information.
Protect against any reasonably anticipated uses or disclosures of such information that are not permitted or required.
Ensure compliance with HIPAA regulations by its workforce.
Use any security measures that allow the covered entity to reasonably and appropriately implement the standards and implementation specifications.